When seeking a mental health treatment center, Scottsdale, AZ, residents recognize Camelback Recovery as a resource for excellent care. Dealing with a mental illness can make it difficult to concentrate on activities like working, going to school and handling personal responsibilities.
Conditions like bipolar disorder affect concentration and focus, making sound decision-making difficult. Feeling anxious or depressed can lead to isolation, especially when loved ones don’t understand what it’s like and encourage you to do something that brings little to no joy due to your mental health issues. Camelback Recovery offers mental health treatments for Scottsdale residents that can make a difference.
What Is Mental Health Treatment?
Mental health treatment is health care that alleviates or lessens symptoms experienced by individuals with mental health disorders. Examples of mental health treatment include prescription medication and psychotherapy.
Treating mental health issues doesn’t work the same for everyone. Even when people have the same diagnosis, they’re individuals, and behavioral health treatment must consider that. For mental health treatment to be effective, it must include choices that address the whole person. In addition to medication and psychotherapy, treatment for mental health conditions may include group and family therapy, support groups, and alternative therapies.
How Can Mental Health Treatment Benefit You or Your Loved One?
When you’re struggling to manage a mental disorder, treatment can start the journey toward better mental health. You or a loved one can learn to manage the circumstances that contribute to stress or other symptoms. Treatment can help you understand triggers that may cause you to feel uneasy or out of control and better regulate your emotions.
Participating in individual and group therapy can help identify and address obstacles to mentally healthy living. When necessary, a doctor can prescribe medication to treat symptoms that make it harder to focus and enjoy life.
Our Mental Health Treatments For Scottsdale, AZ Residents
Camelback Recovery offers medication, psychotherapy, hospitalization, case management, support groups, alternative and holistic treatments, and dual diagnosis and co-occurring disorder treatment for those living in Scottsdale, AZ. Our professional staff will partner with you to develop a treatment plan to address your issues.
Depending on the mental health diagnosis, medication may be necessary when symptoms of mood disorders, personality disorders or other conditions interfere with the ability to function.
For example, medication for anxiety and depression can prevent symptoms from worsening. People with bipolar disorder benefit from medicines that help them avoid extreme mood swings. Antipsychotics for treating schizophrenia can reduce intrusive thoughts and bothersome symptoms such as hallucinations.
The doctors at Camelback Recovery will prescribe medication at a safe dosage to help manage your symptoms. Taking medications can help you participate better in therapy sessions because you can concentrate and do the work required to become mentally healthy.

Psychotherapy (Talk Therapy)
Psychotherapy is the interaction between a licensed professional therapist and a patient focusing on experiences, feelings and thoughts associated with mental health issues. It helps you discover the root causes of mental health disorders and can also relieve symptoms as you work through trauma and learn coping strategies.
Psychotherapy offers the opportunity to discuss concerns with a therapist in a safe, nonjudgmental environment that allows you to express your feelings freely. Whether contributing factors are childhood trauma, violence or other causes, person-centered therapy can be vital in confronting issues, letting go of guilt and shame and moving forward.
The inpatient setting is typically best for individuals with severe and persistent mental disorders. Inpatient hospitalization offers an environment where people can get therapy and medications to help alleviate symptoms. The doctor can adjust or change medications during hospitalization. Partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient programs and other outpatient treatment settings are options for those who don’t need residential treatment.
Case Management
Case management is a process that helps individuals achieve their recovery or treatment goals. A case manager works with patients, therapists and doctors to assess needs and develop treatment plans.
Case managers also plan aftercare to connect individuals to supportive services provided once they complete inpatient or outpatient treatment programs. A case manager will work with you, your doctors and therapists to develop the aftercare plan, which includes connecting you to a mental health center, support groups and other community services after discharge. For individuals in recovery, aftercare planning facilitated by a case manager can help decrease the chances of relapse.
Support Groups
A support group can help you cope with the challenges of mental health disorders. Sharing feelings with peers who understand your struggles can be comforting. It can also provide a new perspective as support group members express how they’ve dealt with challenges. Support groups exist for people with specific diagnoses and offer an environment where members can interact in a confidential, nonthreatening setting.

Holistic and Natural Treatments
Mental health treatment includes a range of therapies, including holistic and natural treatments. These include nutrition, exercise, herbal supplements, massage and yoga.
What Is Dual-Diagnosis Treatment?
If you have both a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder, it’s best to treat both conditions simultaneously, as they affect each other. Dual-diagnosis or co-occurring disorder treatment creates an opportunity for success because managing drug withdrawal symptoms can make participating in therapy and other mental health treatments easier.
How Do Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Work Together?
Addiction worsens mental illness symptoms. Although many people with mental illness turn to alcohol and drugs to feel better, the result is the opposite. Drugs and alcohol may intensify symptoms, causing a person to feel worse. During treatment for mental illness, an individual addicted to drugs benefits from detox and inpatient addiction treatment.
Drugs can hinder success during a mental health treatment program when a person experiences painful withdrawal. Medication-assisted detox can remove that obstacle and help individuals get the most from their mental health treatment. Treating addiction and mental illness together can also help a person find healthy ways to handle mental health challenges without abusing alcohol or drugs.
Discover the Camelback Difference — Find Mental Health Treatment Near Scottsdale, AZ
Camelback Recovery, the leading mental health and addiction treatment center, provides a supportive environment and treatment that helps you take charge of your mental health. Regardless of where you live in Arizona, our treatment team offers mental health services to meet your needs. Learn more about our customized treatment plans by calling (602) 466-9880 today.