Person-centered therapy is one of many therapies we offer in our mental health and addiction recovery programs. This therapy offers a wide range of benefits due to how it helps facilitate personal growth and development and empowers you to want to continue moving forward with your recovery.

Here’s more about how person-centered therapy in Phoenix, AZ works and how to contact us at Camelback Recovery when you’re ready to start your journey toward addiction recovery.

Individual and family therapist having conversation with young lady concept image for person-centered therapy Phoenix AZ


We can help you achieve permanent sobriety that gives you your life back. Call to learn more about our therapy options in Phoenix, AZ.

What Is Person-Centered Therapy?

It was developed in the early 1950s by a psychologist named Carl Rogers. Also known as client-centered therapy, person-centered therapy focuses on the person and not on the problem itself.

Mental health professionals who practice a person-centered theory of therapy will view you as a client and as an equal rather than as a patient. Client-centered therapy allows you to do most of the talking while your therapist listens, offers empathy, and gives you the support you need to come to your own solutions.

Person-centered therapy in Arizona can take place one-on-one with your therapist or in groups. This therapy is available in our partial hospitalization program (PHP) and intensive outpatient program (IOP).

It focuses on three primary qualities: genuineness, unconditional positive regard, and empathetic understanding.


Therapists who practice client-centered therapy demonstrate self-awareness and genuineness during sessions, which can help you feel more comfortable about being honest and sharing your true thoughts and feelings with the therapist. This is also known as “congruence” in person-centered therapy.

Unconditional Positive Regard

With it, you can feel completely at ease and talk openly about your problems and situations without fear of judgment, as your therapist will accept you as you are without conditions. The goal is to help you understand and feel that you are valued just as you are so that you may grow to your full potential and experience healing.

Hands touching concept image for emphatetic understanding

Empathetic Understanding

Empathy is the ability to understand what someone else is feeling and experiencing. Your therapist will demonstrate empathy during client-centered therapy sessions to foster a positive relationship with you and to help you gain greater insight into your unique situation.

What Are the Benefits Of Person-Centered Therapy?

Successful therapy can increase your feeling of self-worth and help you become more functional in every aspect of your life. It can teach and empower you how to tackle and resolve problems on your own in healthy ways without endangering your mental health or becoming a victim of substance misuse.

There are countless benefits to receiving person-centered therapy in Phoenix and creating a safe therapeutic relationship with a therapist. This therapy can teach you how to:

  • Set clear boundaries in relationships.
  • Establish and maintain healthy relationships.
  • Resolve nearly any type of problem.
  • Achieve a sense of calm when coping with problems.
  • Reduce stress, anxiety, and feelings of panic.
  • Think positively about challenging situations.
  • Trust yourself.
  • Achieve better self-awareness.
  • Achieve healthier self-expression.
  • Reduce any feelings of insecurity.
  • Be more open to new ideas and experiences.
  • Increase your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Freely and openly express your personal feelings and opinions.
  • Feel less guilty and ashamed about past mistakes.
  • Willingly adopt healthier lifestyle behaviors.
  • Find a balance between the idealized self and your actual self.

Who Needs A Person-Centered Approach To Treatment?

Person-centered therapy can help anyone who is dealing with issues, problems, and/or behavioral health disorders that are affecting their overall wellness and livelihood. This therapy can also benefit those who may be hesitant about receiving other forms of talk therapy due to fear of stigma or judgment from their therapist.

People who may benefit from a person-centered approach include those with:

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anger management problems
  • Grief
  • Trust issues
  • Difficulty managing emotions
  • Problems related to abuse, such as sexual or domestic abuse
  • Self-injury behaviors, such as cutting or hair-pulling
  • Suicidal thoughts or behaviors

If you’re not completely sure whether you can benefit from person-centered therapy, or want to learn more about this therapeutic method, contact us today at 602-466-9880 to speak with one of our specialists. Our team at Camelback Recovery can answer any questions you have about person-centered therapy and the addiction treatment process. Our range of outpatient rehab programs for mental health and addiction aims to assist individuals in attaining lasting recovery, and we are eager to support you throughout your personal journey.