If you or someone you love is struggling with drug abuse or alcohol addiction, detox may be the first step to sobriety. Unfortunately, this process can be challenging.
Repeated use of certain substances, such as drugs and alcohol, can create a dependency that can be difficult to break. When you suddenly or even gradually stop this substance use, it can have adverse effects on your body and cause an array of side effects, including mood swings, headaches, nausea, and tremors.
Due to these withdrawal symptoms, as well as more serious ones such as hallucinations and seizures, medically supervised detox is recommended. The right drug detox option can help you successfully detox and move on to the next stage of your sobriety.
Keep reading to learn more about the types of drug detox programs available to you.

We can help you achieve permanent sobriety that gives you your life back. Call to learn more about our therapy options in Phoenix, AZ.
The Role of Detox in Addiction Recovery
Depending on your specific substance use disorder, drug and alcohol abuse treatment centers may require you to complete detox before entering rehab. This process helps remove drugs or alcohol from your system gradually to minimize the side effects. The goal of detox is to complete the withdrawal process before rehab so you can focus solely on working to overcome your addiction.
What happens during detox starts with the first phase of detox, the assessment. Trained staff evaluate your physical and mental well-being as well as gather information about your addiction issues, including what types of drugs or alcohol might be in your system. The detox center uses this information about your substance use to determine what type of program for drug detox is best for your specific situation.
After the initial phase, the staff will help you slowly wean off any substances you’ve been using. If you start to experience withdrawal symptoms, the staff can take steps to minimize these effects according to the type of drug detox.
Types of Drug Detox Programs Available
Several types of drug and alcohol detox treatment options are available. Here’s a look at a few of the most successful treatment options.
Medically Supervised Detox
Depending on the severity and type of your substance use disorder, medically assisted detox may be necessary. With medical detoxification, a medical doctor will oversee your progress and prescribe FDA-approved addiction medicine as necessary, such as suboxone, clonidine, methadone or naltrexone.
Using a combination of traditional detox methods with approved prescription medication is generally a safe, effective method for removing drugs or alcohol from your body. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) can also help ease severe withdrawal symptoms for many people.
Inpatient Residential Treatment for Detox
When you enter an inpatient detox program, you’re expected to stay at the center 24-7 throughout the process. While inpatient, the center’s medical staff and support team continuously monitor your progress and physical health and watch for withdrawal symptoms.
The first stage of detox treatment at Camelback Recovery is intake. Our staff team collects vital details of your physical and mental health as well as information about your specific substance use struggles and types of drug or alcohol addictions.
Inpatient treatment uses an individualized treatment plan based on the details gathered during intake. This formal treatment may include approved addiction medicine to help minimize any withdrawal side effects you may face.
Once a plan is in place, the detoxification process starts. Our medical personnel and support staff continuously supervise each resident throughout the detox process to ensure everything is going well and to adjust the treatment plan if necessary. Undergoing detox in a controlled environment under 24-7 supervision, such as inpatient substance abuse treatment, is one of the safest and most effective detox options.
Outpatient Treatment for Detox
Those struggling with mild substance use disorders may find an intensive outpatient program for detox an effective option.
Rather than live at the rehab center 24-7, those in an outpatient program can detox from the comfort of their own home. A medical professional still oversees your detox treatment process and prescribes medication if needed to minimize withdrawal symptoms.
As part of this treatment, you’re required to attend regular checkups at the detox addiction treatment center. During these checkups, the medical staff monitors your progress, assesses your withdrawal symptoms, and prescribes or adjusts any detox medications.
Outpatient care isn’t suitable for everyone. However, depending on the type and severity of your addiction, an outpatient program could be an ideal option, especially for those who find it especially difficult to be away from home for an extended period due to work or family commitments.

Comprehensive Care Beyond Detox
While a critical step, detox is only the first step of the recovery process. You should follow an effective drug detox process with an inpatient or outpatient rehab for addiction treatment. This step can help you successfully deal with your substance abuse issues, treat any underlying mental health conditions, and learn relapse prevention strategies.
As a continuum-of-care rehab center, Camelback Recovery offers medical detox and a comprehensive inpatient program, intensive outpatient programs, and partial hospitalization. This diversity of treatment programs ensures you receive the specific level of care you need to overcome your addiction.
A comprehensive inpatient rehab program, such as those offered at Camelback Recovery, uses a mixture of therapeutic interventions, such as support groups, behavioral therapy, and individual, group, and family therapy, as well as medication management to treat a substance use disorder successfully.
It’s also not uncommon to struggle with one or more mental disorders, such as anxiety, bipolar disorder or PTSD, in addition to substance use issues. At Camelback Recovery, we understand this issue and provide co-occurring mental health treatment and counseling services.
We also use specialized therapies, such as accelerated resolution therapy, ketamine therapy, and EMDR therapy when appropriate.
Camelback Recovery’s Unique Approach to Drug and Alcohol Detox
At Camelback Recovery, we understand that everyone’s journey to recovery is different, starting with detox. This is why we offer personalized addiction treatment plans tailored to meet each resident’s unique needs.
We offer a variety of detox programs, including fentanyl detox, as well as detox for other substances such as drugs, alcohol, opioids, opiates, and heroin. Our staff will work with you to determine exactly what type of medical detox and ongoing treatment program is best for your specific situation.
Take the first step by calling Camelback Recovery today for drug detox in Phoenix, AZ.