Alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a condition that renders people unable to stop using alcohol — even in the face of significant negative ramifications. People with this addiction have a compulsive need to drink despite the damage it does to their relationships, health and professional standing.

Call us today at 602-466-9880 to get started or click here to use your insurance benefits to pay for treatment.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism classifies alcoholism as a brain disorder; it’s different from alcohol dependence, which is a physical condition. Long-term abuse of alcohol can make people more likely to relapse, even after they enter recovery.

If you or a loved one are suffering from alcoholism, you’re not alone — nearly 15 million people in the United States suffer from this condition. Without treatment, alcohol abuse can damage relationships, careers and health. At our alcohol addiction treatment center in Phoenix, AZ, Camelback Recovery proudly provides a residential alcohol rehab program to begin your journey toward recovery.


We can help you achieve permanent sobriety that gives you your life back. Call to learn more about our therapy options in Phoenix, AZ.

Arizona Alcoholism Statistics

Alcohol abuse is a big public health concern in the United States — every year, alcohol-related causes kill 95,000 Americans. Arizona isn’t immune; it ranks 39th in terms of adults who drink alcohol excessively.

  • 2,629 people in Arizona died from alcohol-related diseases between 2011 and 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • 18% of adults in Arizona drink excessively
  • Yavapai County has the highest percentage of binge-drinking adults (22%), followed closely by Mohave County (21%)
  • 25% of the driving deaths in Arizona involve alcohol
  • Greenlee County has the highest rate of alcohol-involved driving deaths (60%)

Symptoms of Alcoholism

The signs and symptoms of alcohol use disorder show up differently in every person. They may be mild, moderate or severe, depending on the progression of the condition.

Physical Signs of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol misuse can wreak havoc on the body. If you or someone you know is dealing with alcohol use disorder (AUD), you might notice physical symptoms.

  • Strong cravings
  • High tolerance level
  • Digestive upset
  • Change in weight
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Frequent illness due to a weakened immune system
  • Reduced sexual function
  • Discomfort in the absence of alcohol consumption

The signs and symptoms of alcohol use disorder show up differently in every person. They may be mild, moderate or severe, depending on the progression of the condition.

Many of the symptoms of alcoholism aren’t caused directly by alcohol — they happen because alcohol changes a person’s behavior. Frequent intoxication can sabotage sleep and self-care, which leads to poor hygiene and a damaged immune system. That, in turn, can cause more frequent bouts of sickness. Over time, alcohol abuse can cause serious damage to the body.

Young man experiencing stomach ache, a common physical symptom of alcohol abuse

Psychological Effects of Alcohol Abuse

The effects of alcohol use disorder are sometimes hard to identify. Many, including depression, can be attributed to other causes. Others may be mild.

  • Reduced inhibition
  • Change in mood
  • Poor focus and memory
  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Depression and anxiety

Social and Behavioral Symptoms of Alcoholism

For family and friends, the most obvious symptoms of alcoholism are often behavioral. You might notice distinct changes in the way a person acts.

  • Lying
  • Emotionally manipulative behavior
  • Inability to stop drinking
  • Frequent, unsuccessful attempts to stop consuming alcohol
  • Lack of interest and participation in normal hobbies and activities
  • Alcohol intoxication that endangers the person or others
  • Unusual levels of anger, aggressiveness or belligerence
  • Drop in performance at work or school
  • Failure to show up for friends, colleagues and family members

Withdrawal Symptoms and Alcoholism

Many people with alcohol use disorders experience negative physical and psychological effects when they try to stop drinking — these signs are collectively referred to as alcohol withdrawal. When the body no longer receives the expected amounts of alcohol, you might experience:

  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Shakes or tremors
  • Lack of focus
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Sweating
  • Headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Hallucinations and confusion

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms may start to show up within hours of a person’s last drink; others might not appear for 24-72 hours. Depending on the length and severity of the alcohol abuse, the withdrawal period can last a few days to a few weeks.

Undertaken alone, alcohol withdrawal can be scary and difficult to bear. Treatment facilities like Camelback Recovery use a supervised alcohol detox process to maximize safety and comfort during this phase.

Man expressing anger towards his wife during alcohol addiction withdrawal, displaying mood swings and emotional distress

What Causes Alcoholism?

A wide range of social, psychological, biological and genetic factors can contribute to alcohol addiction. Every person experiences these factors differently, which explains why two people can have identical drinking habits and varying levels of addiction.

Certain people are at a higher risk for alcoholism. Some of the most common risk factors are:

  • Alcohol use while the brain is still developing
  • Extended periods of heavy drinking
  • Family history of alcohol abuse and/or substance abuse
  • Mental health disorder
  • Impulsive tendencies
  • Close relationships with heavy drinkers
  • Past trauma
  • History of bariatric surgery

It’s important to note that these factors alone don’t cause alcoholism — they must be combined with a pattern of heavy alcohol consumption. Likewise, alcohol abuse alone can cause alcoholism, even in the absence of other factors. The more you drink, the more the alcohol changes your brain and body. As a result, you may be more likely to drink to excess in the future.

When you discuss alcoholism, you’ll often hear the phrases “binge drinking” and “excessive drinking.” According to the CDC, a binge is measured by the number of alcoholic beverages a person consumes in one sitting. For women, more than four drinks qualify; for men, it’s five or more drinks. Excessive alcohol consumption refers to the number of drinks per week — for women, it’s eight or more, and for men, it’s 15 or more.

Not all heavy drinkers become alcoholics. Many people engage in these behaviors occasionally or regularly without developing an addiction.

Long-Term Complications of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

Extended alcohol abuse can damage your personal and professional life — it also affects your health.

  • Liver disease
  • Heart issues
  • Bone deterioration
  • Neurological disorders
  • Degenerating vision
  • Miscarriages and stillbirths
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome
  • High blood pressure
  • Mental health disorders
  • Osteoporosis

How Addictive Is Alcohol? Stages of Alcoholism

Alcohol is an addictive substance, but it doesn’t affect everyone the same way. In many people, it causes the body to release endorphins — chemicals that reduce stress, relieve pain and make you feel good. These positive effects can create a sense of dependence; people want to feel better, so they drink. As the body grows accustomed to alcohol, however, it requires a higher volume to produce a similar effect. This is called alcohol tolerance.

Alcohol isn’t immediately addictive; the addiction develops in stages over time.

During this stage, a person isn’t addicted to alcohol. However, they may start using it to cope with unpleasant feelings, trauma, stress or anxiety. When this pattern is repeated, the person starts to develop a physical tolerance.

In the early stages of alcoholism, a person starts to develop problematic behaviors. They may start to drink regularly or lie about how much they’ve ingested. Other issues include blacking out and frequent overconsumption.

Once a person reaches the middle stage, there’s no question that they have alcohol problems. Drinking too much alcohol becomes the norm — the person might begin heavy drinking earlier and earlier in the day. This creates changes in behavior, which causes relationships to deteriorate. In addition to physical issues, such as fatigue and bloating, middle alcoholics may experience mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms.

At this point, the person may feel completely out of control when it comes to alcohol. They often require a drink to feel normal — mental and physical alcohol dependence — and when they try to stop, the withdrawal symptoms are intense.

Substance Abuse Treatments for Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcoholism

If you or someone you love is struggling with alcoholism, recovery is possible. Most people need help from a professional — after all, alcohol addiction is a serious medical condition. There are many different substance abuse treatment options for alcohol abuse disorder.

Medical Detox for Alcohol Use Disorder

Detox is one of the most challenging parts of alcohol addiction recovery. During this period, all the alcohol leaves the system. Since brain chemistry has been altered by too much alcohol, it can cause serious physical symptoms: shaking, vomiting and even hallucinations.

That’s where medical detox can help — to help the body adjust to the absence of alcohol, a healthcare professional administers medications to combat the withdrawal symptoms. This can reduce pain and prevent potentially dangerous effects. Doctors decrease the dosage until the body can tolerate an alcohol-free existence. In an inpatient setting like ours at Camelback Recovery, the patient also benefits from a safe, comfortable environment and round-the-clock mental health support.

Not everyone with alcohol use disorder requires medical detox. With milder forms, it may be possible to bear the withdrawal symptoms without medical intervention.

Residential Inpatient Rehab Programs for Alcoholism

Once a person has reached the middle and late stages of an alcohol use disorder, inpatient alcohol rehab is often the most effective intervention. For 45-60 days, the person moves into a residential alcohol treatment center. During that time, they work with medical and psychiatric professionals on therapy, medical treatments and other interventions. The treatment plan varies from person to person but usually includes individual and group counseling.

An inpatient program is a chance to step away from everyday life and focus on recovery. Since the setting and schedule are structured, there’s no need to make decisions or worry about anything — a welcome relief for people struggling with alcohol dependence. Families can rest assured knowing their loved one is safe and supervised 24/7.

Outpatient Treatment for Alcoholism

Outpatient addiction treatment is similar to an inpatient treatment program; however, the patient doesn’t live at the facility. They come for therapeutic activities but go home at the end of each day.

Rehab Aftercare To Support Long-Lasting Sobriety

Rehab is just the first step in recovery. After a patient leaves, they’re in a vulnerable state — aftercare can help them resist temptation, manage triggers and build a new, alcohol-free life. At Camelback Recovery, we develop an aftercare plan for every patient and connect them with the appropriate resources. With continued work and support, it’s possible to maintain long-term sobriety.

  • Therapy (group, individual and family)
  • 12-step programs (Alcoholics Anonymous)
  • Case management
  • Life Coaching
  • Medication management
  • Sober living homes
  • Healthy eating and exercise routine

Therapies Used in Treatment

Here at Camelback Recovery, we use a variety of therapeutic tools to treat alcohol use disorder.

This intervention strategy happens in two phases. First, a clinician uses a set of assessment tools to identify the problems that led to addictive behaviors — among alcoholics, this might include impulsivity or mood swings. Then, they come up with a targeted treatment to alter the neural pathways and a set of metrics to monitor progress. At Camelback Recovery, the leading mental health and addiction treatment center in Phoenix, AZ, we use cutting-edge technology to aid the process and change problematic behaviors.

This type of traditional counseling aims to identify and change the unhelpful patterns of thought and behavior that contribute to alcohol problems. The patient learns to change thoughts, develop new beliefs and build healthy coping strategies.

These sessions help the patient develop a strong sense of internal motivation. This can help them feel more engaged in the treatment process and create a desire to change destructive behaviors.

Alcohol use disorder affects more than the individual; it can also damage family relationships. Family therapy can repair those bonds and educate family members about alcohol abuse.

These groups offer peer-to-peer counseling, education and a supportive community.

Alcohol Rehab in Phoenix

Alcohol use disorder affects nearly 15 million people aged 12 and older in the United States. Sadly, only 7.2% of these individuals receive any form of treatment, with millions of people in our country suffering from alcohol addiction without getting help. Our alcoholism rehab in Phoenix, AZ, is dedicated to providing evidence-based, compassionate care for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction.

Alcohol rehab is the best option for people of all ages from all walks of life who need help fighting and recovering from alcohol abuse and addiction. Here’s a closer look at what happens at an alcohol treatment center.

Alcohol rehab is a treatment program that can help you experience long-term recovery from alcohol use disorder. Alcohol rehab can take place in many different treatment settings using a variety of therapies. Traditionally, alcohol use disorder is treated using a combination of alcohol detox, counseling, and behavioral therapy.

Alcohol rehab can take place in either a residential or outpatient setting.

Residential treatment and inpatient rehab programs offer the highest level of support, as they provide you with around-the-clock access to addiction treatment professionals. The daily structure of a residential rehab facility is similar to that of a sober living home, but instead of going to work or school during the day, you attend individual therapy sessions and take part in group therapy meetings that help you recover from addiction.

PHP rehab program is an outpatient treatment program that meets for at least 20 hours a week for four to six hours a day. Also known as day treatment, a PHP allows you to receive treatment during the day while living at home or in a sober living facility. A PHP provides nearly the same structure as a residential inpatient treatment program but offers more flexibility so you can work or attend school during the evening hours.

An IOP rehab program is a 12-week outpatient rehab program. Intensive outpatient programs meet for at least three hours a day on at least three days a week and can be conveniently scheduled around your work and school hours. The primary goal of an IOP is to help you transition back into independent living outside of a controlled treatment setting. Therapies in an IOP also focus on helping you develop and improve skills that can help you avoid triggers and stay sober.

Support groups and their meetings as part of our Phoenix alcohol and drug rehab treatment process.

Services Included in an Alcohol Rehab Program

Alcohol rehab centers offer a variety of services, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), medication management, medication-assisted treatment, and 12-step support group meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous. The same services and therapies you receive may depend on the root causes of your addiction.

For example, if you started misusing alcohol to avoid recurring flashbacks of trauma, you may receive trauma-focused CBT that helps you cope with and recover from the trauma. Or, if you also have mental health conditions such as depression or PTSD, you may receive dual-diagnosis therapy to learn how to live with both your addiction and mental illness.

Other services in an alcohol rehab program and treatment centers may include mental health services administration and other health services such as:

  • Individual and group counseling or therapy

  • Family behavior therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Relapse prevention training
  • Substance abuse education
  • Motivational enhancement therapy
  • Community reinforcement
  • Dual diagnosis treatment therapy

  • Medication-assisted treatment

What Happens After Alcohol Rehab?

Recovery from addiction is often a life-long process. After alcohol rehab, you can continue your recovery at a sober living facility where its staff and residents can help you develop a healthier, happier, and more productive lifestyle.

A sober living facility helps you establish a daily routine that requires you to wake and go to bed at the same time every day. Residents are responsible for doing daily chores, and eating healthy foods and must spend their days receiving therapy in a PHP or IOP, going to work or school, or volunteering in a community program.

Sober living facilities also help you implement vital self-care techniques related to exercise and hygiene so you can feel more confident as you resume your usual daily activities as a sober individual.

Though sober living facilities offer more flexibility and freedom than residential recovery centers, you will be held accountable for attending regular support group meetings, submitting to a random breathalyzer and drug tests, and doing your daily chores. These responsibilities can keep you on track with recovery and help us determine whether you may need additional recovery coaching or treatment in the event you relapse.

Outpatient Alcohol Rehab in Phoenix AZ

If you live in or near Phoenix, Arizona and need professional treatment for alcohol use disorder, choose a rehab facility that offers all the substance abuse programs and services you need to experience a safe, long-term recovery from addiction. An outpatient alcohol rehab program is ideal if you are currently working, going to school, or caring for your children or other relatives.

Camelback Recovery, the best mental health and addiction treatment center, offers outpatient alcohol rehab programs for men and women needing alcohol addiction treatment. We also offer drug addiction treatment and rehab programs for those with other addictions such as opioid, methamphetamine, or cocaine use disorders.

Contact us today at 602-466-9880 to learn more about our treatment facility, and alcohol and drug rehab in Phoenix, or fill out our contact form to hear back from us within one business day. We’ll be more than happy to discuss all your available treatment options and get you started on your recovery today.

Alcoholism Withdrawal Symptoms

In the world of alcohol addiction treatment, the period immediately following an individual’s last drink is known as withdrawal. During this time, alcoholism withdrawal symptoms start to present themselves and cause discomfort and pain, with more severe withdrawal symptoms being fatal in some cases and in need of immediate medical attention.

What Alcoholism Withdrawal Looks Like

Withdrawal symptoms begin within the first few hours after your final drink and can last a lifetime if acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome develops. Those suffering from alcohol use disorders will experience mild withdrawal symptoms to start, with more serious symptoms coming later.

During withdrawal, alcohol intake is reduced to zero while a medical team helps address symptoms. Alcoholism withdrawal syndrome is the presence of withdrawal symptoms even once long-term sobriety has been achieved. Those who drink heavily are at a higher risk of lifelong withdrawal symptoms.


We can help you achieve permanent sobriety that gives you your life back. Call to learn more about our therapy options in Phoenix, AZ.

Alcohol use disorder, or alcohol addiction, can make it a challenge to treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms as everyone responds differently to both alcohol and the withdrawal period. Typically, medical detox will be used, as there are several approved medications to make withdrawal safe and as comfortable as possible by diminishing the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

Mild symptoms commonly experienced include:

  • Emotional irregularity
  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Fever
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Tremors and shaking
  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea

Those who’ve suffered from substance abuse or heavy abuse alcohol over a long period of time will show evident alcoholism signs and experience severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms to a higher degree. Tremors become seizures, fatigue turns into disorientation, and, in cases of severe alcohol dependence, hallucinations lead to delirium tremens. While it can be fatal, delirium tremens is only seen in less than 5% of withdrawal patients.

It’s easy to see why so many people who struggle with alcohol abuse choose to continue their drinking problem rather than seek out alcohol abuse treatment. The reason treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms in a professional setting is so important is that its detoxification period is one of the most severe of any substance. Life-threatening withdrawal symptoms make medical professionals a required part of any alcohol withdrawal timeline.

As with any alcohol abuse problems, the withdrawal and treatment timeline will look different from person to person. Some engage in binge drinking or heavy alcohol consumption on an infrequent basis and barely experience alcohol withdrawal side effects. When this practice becomes a habit, there’s no alcohol health professionals can recommend as safe. Sobriety is the only way through alcohol addiction.

Even with everyone’s mind and body being composed of different health issues, genetic factors and amount of alcohol-related physical complications, there’s enough data available to create a timeline for the road to recovery.

Alcohol withdrawal is short but can be an extremely dangerous process when done outside a treatment center. Within the first few hours after stopping alcohol use, the milder symptoms listed above will start manifesting at a low intensity. The next 24-48 hours will introduce more severe symptoms, such as hallucinations, while also ramping up the strength of the existing symptoms.

The final milestone from 48 to 72 hours after your last drink is when delirium tremens is typically seen. DTs can completely alter a patient’s reality, causing them to confuse what’s real and what isn’t amidst hallucinations and mental fatigue. To stop drinking permanently, this hurdle must be overcome.

How To Overcome Alcohol Withdrawal

Substance abuse treatment has come a long way and now includes additional support for those going through severe alcohol withdrawal. Since alcohol use disorder can look drastically different between individuals, it takes a full team and constant supervision to provide the personalized care needed for the management of alcohol withdrawal. Mental disorders coexisting with alcoholism call for even more specialized treatment and mental health services administration.

Alcohol detox combines medical supervision, experienced addiction specialists and medication to cover all aspects of withdrawal. Medical care is also available for any medical emergency outside the anticipated symptoms. The more concerning side effects, such as alcohol withdrawal seizures, require medical care.

A Look at Alcohol Detoxification

Getting through withdrawal with the motivation and energy to continue through to treatment is one of the greatest boons of medical detox. Medications such as benzodiazepines, disulfiram and naltrexone are all federally regulated and approved to assist with any alcohol withdrawal syndrome or symptom.

Throughout the withdrawal timeline, your recovery team will use these medications to help reduce the severity of symptoms and cravings by supporting the central nervous system during its time of healing. Certain medications also act as a deterrent for drinking as they make short-term effects of drinking, such as the flushing of skin and low blood pressure, have a much quicker onset.

Once detox is completed and a medical professional signs off on your current state of health, you’ll start transitioning to treatment. The type of treatment entered after withdrawal depends on the severity of the underlying addiction. For some, outpatient treatment with weekly meetings is enough. Those without a healthy and supportive home environment benefit greatly from a residential or an inpatient alcohol center as it gives them a safe space to practice the skills and coping mechanisms they’ve developed during therapy.

Alcoholism Treatment Is Closer Than You Think

Providing treatment for those suffering from alcoholism, withdrawal symptoms, and addiction in Arizona is why we opened our doors at our greater Phoenix location. We understand the severe confusion and pain brought on when you suddenly stop drinking. Chronic alcohol use no longer rules out the option of future sobriety.

We encourage you to contact us online or call us directly at 602-466-9880. At Camelback Recovery, a leading addiction treatment center in Phoenix, AZ, we can help you determine which treatment is needed and quickly complete the intake process to get you or a loved one prepared for a life free of alcohol.

Alcoholism Effects

Understanding the effects of alcoholism and how alcohol addiction impacts the mind and body starts with the understanding that everyone reacts differently to the substance. The short-term effects of alcoholism are easy to spot, including difficulty handling yourself physically and socially. The severity of alcoholism effects on the mind and body can escalate over time.

When it comes to the increased volume and frequency of drinking associated with alcohol addiction, factors, including the individual’s alcohol tolerance, play a major role as they often require the user to drink more to achieve the same level of intoxication previously felt. The effects of alcohol felt by an individual are also swayed by how quickly alcohol is consumed, their physical health, genetic factors and whether other drugs are involved.

With so much at stake with alcohol addiction, identifying a strained relationship with drinking alcohol early can help stop the addiction from forming.


We can help you achieve permanent sobriety that gives you your life back. Call to learn more about our therapy options in Phoenix, AZ.

Signs of Excessive Alcohol Consumption that Leads to the Negative Mental and Physical Effects of Alcoholism

Alcohol addiction and binge drinking are often seen together but aren’t linked solely to each other. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, drinking too much alcohol can be found in individuals who don’t exhibit other signs of alcohol addiction yet are still more likely to develop lifelong medical conditions compared to their non-drinking peers. Studies also indicate that individuals who consume alcohol have a higher probability of developing mental health problems.

Long-term effects of alcohol substance abuse stem from the damage it does to the internal organs. Brain damage and heart and liver disease are some of the largest concerns when it comes to the negative effects of alcohol.

Keeping the body regulated, the heart is one of humans’ strongest organs. Even with this strength, it’s no match for the effects of heavy drinking. Drinking alcoholic beverages has an instant impact on the brain, but heart damage takes time to develop into cardiovascular disease. When it does start, body parts lose access to nutrients and oxygen supplies, causing other organs to weaken.

Excessive alcohol use puts you at a higher risk of heart disease and infection, as it suppresses the immune system and opens the door for bacteria to prosper. High blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and even heart attacks are all common alcohol-related diseases. There’s no denying that drinking alcohol affects the body negatively from the very first drink.

The state of being drunk is actually your brain being depressed by alcohol. When under the influence, the central nervous system struggles to retain its processing and decision-making power, with behavioral changes quickly becoming present. Memory loss and blacking out are telltale alcoholism signs of binge drinking and even alcohol addiction if they’re a frequent occurrence.

Excessive alcohol use will even weaken the connections within the central nervous system, making normal brain function more and more difficult to achieve even in a sober state. Long-term brain damage isn’t uncommon in those who’ve abused alcohol for many years.

Fatty liver due to alcohol addiction is the most well-known indication of alcohol’s effects on our body. What many don’t know is that a form of hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, can be contracted with heavy alcohol consumption. Unlike irreversible brain damage, liver cancer and fibrosis can be treated with medication and proper treatment programs.

The last primary organ at the mercy of excessive drinking is the pancreas. Responsible for regulating digestion, the pancreas is crucial to maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, and damage can lead to diabetes. Pancreatic cancer also lurks around the corner, spreading rapidly after a bout of pancreatitis.

Identifying Alcohol Abuse and Effects of Alcoholism

While no amount of alcohol is considered healthy, as it provides no positive health effects, the Centers for Disease Control considers excessive drinking when a man has five or more drinks within an hour or a woman has four. More than half of excessive drinkers are young adults, but anyone can be at risk of developing an alcohol addiction.

Moderating the amount of alcohol consumed is the only way to avoid the negative impact of alcohol use disorder. You can determine if someone has had too much by looking for:

  • Slow or slurred speech
  • Loss of motor controls
  • Difficulty balancing while standing or walking
  • Loss of memory
  • Shallow breathing
  • Irritability, depression or anxiety disorder and other mental health conditions
  • Engagement in risky sexual behaviors or illegal activity
  • Alcohol poisoning

These behavioral changes quickly tip off those around you about the possibility of alcohol addiction. Under the surface, heavy drinking can cause heart and liver trouble on top of sinus infections and ulcers.

There are also non-health-related risks associated with the effects of alcoholism, including:

  • Strained or lost relationships
  • A drop in performance at work or school
  • Financial struggles
  • Legal trouble
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Enlarged blood vessels
  • Alcohol dependence
  • Unprotected sex leading to unintended pregnancy
  • Fatal motor vehicle crashes
  • Loss of support from family members
  • Intimate partner violence

These long-term side effects can impact other areas of your life, such as causing relationship problems with family or friends, legal trouble, financial issues and poor performance at work or in school.

A Quick Word on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Pregnant women should also never drink alcohol to preserve the health of their baby. There are multiple alcohol disorders a baby can inherit that fall on the fetal alcohol spectrum, from birth defects to stunted development. There’s no reason for pregnancy to involve alcohol. Alcohol rehab facilities can help women struggling with alcohol use achieve sobriety before starting a family.

Seeking Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment

There’s no lack of treatment locations for alcohol abuse, but not all rehab centers are created equally. It takes a team of experienced addiction specialists who’ve worked with patients to help them moderate drinking and avoid developing an alcohol-related disease.

Signs of Excessive Alcohol Consumption

The effects of alcoholism and binge drinking are often seen together but aren’t linked solely to each other. Binge drinking can be found in individuals who don’t exhibit other signs of alcohol addiction yet are still more likely to develop lifelong medical conditions compared to their non-drinking peers.

Long-term health risks of alcohol substance abuse stem from the damage it does to the internal organs. Brain damage and heart and liver disease are some of the largest concerns when it comes to the negative health effects of alcohol.

Camelback Recovery Is Here for You

If you are someone engaging in excessive drinking or have turned to alcohol due to mental disorders, there are resources such as support groups and medical teams available to provide a safe and comfortable path toward recovery. Given that alcohol can impact every aspect of a person’s life due to the mental and physical effects of alcoholism, receiving comprehensive treatment is the most effective approach toward a successful recovery.

Alcohol addiction is a condition that manifests in different forms and necessitates customized treatment options that cater to specific needs. Similar to substance dependence, the treatment for alcoholism requires medical supervision and mental health experts to address the behavioral symptoms of alcohol use disorder.

Camelback Recovery, the best mental health and addiction treatment center, provides personalized alcoholism treatment programs for people residing in Arizona. Contact us today at 602-466-9880 to ask any questions or schedule the first consultation, taking the first step toward your journey to recovery.